Boise, Idaho (TVOI News) First off, we should give credit where it’s due. The Governor and the senior leadership of the Idaho Statehouse had it all set-up pretty well in the one-day special session to re-introduce SB-1067 as HB-1 and GET IT PASSED! They did so in fine form, 49-21 in the House and 33-2 in the Senate. The schedule went a little longer than they planned on Monday, May 18th and varied off the intended course, a bit, as inconvenient truth reared its ugly head from time-to-time. However, in the end they got their expected outcome.
How could they not, with all the “
sob sisters” lining up with the special interests to protect their turf, even if completely irrelevant to the true question at hand? It’s funny how the true interests of ALL the People of Idaho were
never allowed a full hearing. “CONSTITUTIONS? WHAT CONSTITUTIONS? We don’t need no STINKING CONSTITUTIONS?”
Throughout the proceedings, it was clear the Constitutions would not have their day in the dock. Idaho Health and Welfare brought their own advocate from the State Attorneys General (SAG) office, Scott Keim. Health and Welfare had also brought along a big chunk of their staff. It seems there was a state holiday declared in that office for the special session. They could have handed each of the employees in the Capitol’s Lincoln Auditorium 2-3 of the 97 international support cases and each would have had near-personalized service!
There was no advocate for the general public and our Idaho and federal Constitutions, except for the few non-special-interest, non-state employee, non-tax consuming individuals there. The unpaid, uncompensated and always unheard citizens there to represent the other 1.4 million Idahoans not able to attend to defend their interest.
During a recess I asked the Deputy AG for H&W, the aforesaid Mr. Keim, if ANYONE in the legislature or Governor’s office had ever asked the AG for a full constitutional analysis on S.1067 (or the NEW! IMPROVED! HB-1). He replied, “Not that I’m aware of….” Only a very small, select number of questions were asked that had little to nothing to do with the overall constitutionality of HB-1. Well, gee, of course not, how silly would that have been to actually get a full analysis? All the while though, legislators across the committees and in the chambers of the ‘body of the whole’ declared HB-1 “perfectly constitutional.” Based on what is “perfectly” impossible to say.
The same lesson was learned that I’ve learned several hundred times in votes from legislators during the last two-plus decades. Most legislators never understand that things are so screwed-up today precisely because of the same mistakes made by their predecessors two decades before them and coincide with the same mistakes made today that will cause even bigger foul-ups 10 to 20 years hence. It is a self-reinforcing downward spiral.
I was asked by one of the Senators on the Joint Committee during a recess why I thought we (meaning opponents to HB-1) thought we were smarter than all the lawyers in the legislature (or in the ULC or Washington DC and the Hague) to know what was best on the Constitutional questions concerning HB-1 (S.1067)?
I replied,”Because none of those analysts on our side arrived at our position by collective consensus but by completely independent research….” That is something legislators AND attorneys find impossible to do when looking for the solutions to previous problems they created. Most want information and their ideas fed to them. Precedent is about the only thing that matters. That way they can shut-off their brain and don’t have to think it through each time like every other human endeavor. Scientists, entrepreneurs, creative people of all walks, on the contrary, know that it is individuals who arrive at better solutions than groups do on virtually any subject.
Most politicos, legislatures and attorneys do something very different from every productive human endeavor; they then believe they arrive at the best solution through collective consensus. They have either forgotten or never learned how all things actually work.
They’ve also forgotten that in our Republic the purpose was not to have the most efficient government but the most creative and innovative, at every level, which means freedom and liberty, not massive conformity in every thing. There was never any INTENT by the Founders in anything but the most rare and limited circumstances for each state to be little boxes, “…all made out of ticky-tacky and they all look just the same…” as Malvina Reynolds sang for us. Efficient governments have other identifying features such as Fascist-Corporatist. You can also associate a lot more economic and societal harm, destruction and ultimately death with “efficient government.”
Strangely, at least to a normal person, the lawyers present were looking for a way to perpetuate and expand the existing system in order to further develop the federal gravy train. Constitutionality was an inconvenient obstacle so it was rationalized away. They succeeded.
The Idaho legislature and all the other states that passed identical bills to this piece of garbage known as HB-1 have now opened the door to every single cockamamie International Legal Regime imaginable, to follow. The internationalists can now dream-up or already have waiting in the wings any totally fantastic thing they wish to throw on the table in successive legislative sessions.
It should start to be apparent between ObamaCare, Common core, REALID, Gay Marriage, Immigration Expansion, the International Bankster Cartel, Global War on Terror, the Drug War and now the International Child Enforcement additions to UIFSA 2008, that the federal government is on a nationalist and internationalist tear that won’t abate soon. It’s not conspiracy, it’s becoming routine operation right in front of your eyes.
The failure to enact pieces of legislation such as HB-1, wouldn’t indicate we do not wish to solve problems such as national and international child support enforcement. There are a number of ways to do that constitutionally and humanely; none of which did anyone in the Congress or legislatures bother to explore, as yet. The reason not to enact bills such as HB-1, is that they destroy the Republic by destroying the Constitutions with them for efficiency and expedience sake.
That’s why I continue to love all individuals and have come to loathe ‘people’ when they come in the form of groups of lawyers, legislators or politicos. As the day progressed, it was clear that the majority did not want to listen or create, they only wished to vote and destroy for efficiency sake. Most awful were the closing speeches of Senators Brent Hill and Bart Davis. One was a dissembling, rambling and emotional screed of non-sequiturs and the other probably the most arrogant, condescending and self-aggrandizing pile of baloney this writer has heard in a decade or so of sessions.
We’ve turned a corner with this special session and the passage of HB-1, the early rejection of HB-89 and the failure of the legislature to do much of anything else except KICK ALL THE OTHER CANS DOWN THE ROAD. Your Republic is holding on by silk threads and the next couple years are the determinant years for the real Patriots.
Seriously, either get moving or stay out of the way. Your window of opportunity for choosing is fast closing.
Jeff Wright
Author of “The Citizen’s Last Stand” Website
Jeff Wright’s work on TVOI News
The post “Little Boxes, Little Boxes And They’re All Made Out Of Ticky-Tacky…” Jeff Wright – TVOI News appeared first on The Voice of Idaho.