Where does one start to accurately describe the deliberate and slow death of America? There are some who claim that it is being accomplished by secret societies who laid plans to destroy America many years ago. On the opposite side, you have individuals who laugh at these “conspiracy theories”. Then there are some who believe there is a shadow government that has taken over. The truth is there is nothing going on that is secret. All one has to do is look at the evidence right out in the open with the internet. Granted there are some suspicious sites making claims that are on the far side of questionable. But, there are far more sites that are legitimate in their claims about who is running the show now and what their agenda is to destroy the US.
We have lost our government to the United Nations (UN) and to other nations who all have been robbing us for years. Robbing us of our economy, our jobs, our culture, and our dignity. It won’t be long before they will rob us of our sovereignty by creating a North America.
Keeping in mind the goal is to obliterate our culture let’s look at just one aspect of the UN and Agenda 21. The media, entertainment, and advertising are now telling us how to run our lives. And people believe everything they hear. We now have foreign languages inserted into advertising, actors with foreign accents, and through UN affiliated media we have a barrage of information about other countries and how they live. With any person that lands on US soil illegally, Americans are forced to accommodate their culture, acquiesce to their language, give them a day to celebrate their flag while our own is banned, silence our voices in our opposition to their refusal to assimilate, and the highest atrocity is that these illegals will NEVER swear any type of loyalty, honor, pride, gratitude, or allegiance to the US. They come here to suck off the US and demand their rights for their culture. And our government forces us to accommodate them. No specific culture is identified here because it is any individual who comes here illegally and does not earn the right to be here. It doesn’t matter what culture other than it is the illegal culture. Remember, it will never be demanded from them that they EARN the right to be here.
The History Channel indoctrinates us on misinformation about our role during WWII, even being so bold as to say the British were the main creators of the D-Day plan when in truth it was General Eisenhower. They are quick to point out the greatness of what France and England did while diminishing the primary role America had in bringing the war to an end. Both France and England had been beaten down so far their ability to free themselves from tyranny without America’s help was not possible. Now we have Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) that will completely destroy the truth about American history and teach children to believe how terrible America has been. Nothing about our greatness, our history, or what we have done for the world.
The UN, with its alleged goal of bringing countries together, is doing nothing but spreading the same propaganda and evil as was done in 1930’s Germany. They tout Education for All, much like Hitler did with his taking over the education system. But the truth is, the UN and Hitler’s goal with education was to indoctrinate. Both spread their ideology into the books that children read and force teachers into teaching it. Hitler’s goal was to indoctrinate on Nazi ideology, a life devoted to the Motherland, to Germany, and allegiance to Hitler himself. The UN uses its business partner Pearson to indoctrinate children on social justice, equality, world citizenry, environmentalism and exalt itself and government as the source of the correct answer on every aspect of life. But the education indoctrination goes farther than that.
Our education system is now loaded down with teaching kids how to eat, stay healthy, what not to do, what to do, and to even challenge the parents on how they conduct their own lives. It is not the parents role anymore, it is the school and teachers. This is what happened between the Hitler youth and their parents.
Nazism touted healthy bodies for the Germans and preached exercise and good nutrition. A national campaign for preventive care has been launched in the US through the media and advertising to educate us on the proper way to live. The UN has obliterated health care in the US through the control of health insurance, WHO, propaganda by the CDC, and a multitude of other avenues. Every piece of your health care data is now fed into electronic health records and delivered to businesses and organizations that partner with the UN via data storage centers. Americans are even educated through advertising telling them which pill they should take to be happy, of course by UN pharmaceutical company partners. Through their data gathering and analysis they will dictate your health care, what treatment you are entitled to, and what treatment you don’t deserve. Yes, the UN is even educating the general public.
The UN is doing exactly what Hitler did. They are forcing an ideology onto Americans, an ideology that is evil. They have taken it upon themselves to define what “human rights” are, no longer God given rights, which puts them in a position to redefine those rights at will. And the “human rights” lingo has been injected so far into our culture everyone is using the slang. There is no such thing as human rights, especially as defined by an organization loaded with dictators and oppressors. They even have us saying we are democracy which we are not. And somehow democracy is what is fair when in truth democracy is defined as a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges. There goes our Bill of Rights. And there goes your right to exercise your right to not be forced to do something.
Our resources are being taken over as well. We are no longer allowed to roam the forests that belong to our state, we are banned from using our lakes and streams, told when and where we can hunt and fish, where we can build and can’t build, what that building has to be built with and how wide are stairs have to be, who we have to share our resources with and if they need more are forced to give it over to them. We are told we have to use less water, they take our water away from us because it doesn’t meet some standard defined by them, are forced to use appliances they want us to use. And if you are thinking that’s crazy, the UN doesn’t make us do that, just go to the EPA website and see how they have partnered with the UN. The UN has their eye on US water, they monitor it and what we do with it, and they want us to share it. The Army Corp of Engineers are in on the game as well. So are our government officials through the state department.
And then there are the women and children, God praise the rights of women and children, forget the men. Agenda 21 has emasculated men, no longer are they seen as the providers, possessing the strength of character to protect us, they are useless for the goal of control. They want us to think that. After all, women and children are weaker and easier to control. For anyone reading this who becomes highly offended by the notion that women are children are weaker and easier to control, then you have drank the kool-aid. We have lost the strength and character of the men who fought in WWII, these men for the most part no longer exist. Some do, but boys of this age group now, early 20’s, are only interested in reaching level three in World of Warcraft, chasing the next babe, wearing the latest garb, and don’t think twice about getting their own needs met. They have no future goals, they breed children and then abandon them, and live a life of expecting their next desire be fulfilled or they will lash out and blame anyone they can. They don’t possess the ability to be men. Agenda 21 has helped create these emasculated men through their indoctrination of promoting women and children. There aren’t enough true men now who can teach young boys how to be men, but then the UN is there to confuse them with their asexual nonsense, that somehow boys and girls are all equal, not different in any way. And don’t forget those transgender individuals, they have their rights too. Diversity, diverse only to the point where we are somehow all suppose to be the same.
Because of the atrocities that occurred during WWII the idea came about that if we just understood each other better we could easily see how much the same we were. There is just one problem with this. We are not the same and never will be. Still lurking out there are people who are evil. They will always be evil and will do everything in their power to execute their evil. That is just the way it is. When evil takes control no amount of utopian thinking will get them to change. You cannot make an evil person behave differently. So now the world finds itself in the dilemma of having a huge body of evil people taking over countries, including our own. The evil in the UN is not any different as ISIS, al-Qaeda, Muslims, or Islam. Each one of them is forcing an ideology onto others. The UN is no different than Nazism, Hitler did the same thing, forced his ideology onto others. Evil is evil. The UN has taken control of businesses, non-profits, American organizations, our government, education systems, health care, and economies to force us into thinking we are one world when in reality they are creating it to force us to live in it. And we are partners in their crime because we stand by and don’t do anything about it. We don’t abide by our Constitution’s gift of allowing us to abolish our government or engaging in mass civil disobedience. We just stand by like the German people did.
The most appalling thing about all of this is that extensive efforts, time, and energy have been spent by Americans to research the validity of all of these claims. They have presented this to all levels of government officials from the state down to the city council members. And none of them listen, none of them are taking notice or doing anything about it. In spite of clear evidence these same officials continue the march of death upon America.
It is frightening to think that with all the information that is available to learn about what is happening, the truth about what is happening, that we are not outraged. Yes, America is dying
The post America is Dying Part 1 – Karen Schumacher appeared first on The Voice of Idaho.