Anyone needing more proof that the federal government is way beyond its ability to function at even half its current size and scope need look no further than the recent data breaches at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). We are nearing the point of total breakdown on several fronts, simultaneously. OPM recently disclosed somewhere north of 4 million (perhaps as many as 18+ million!) record files of federal employee and contractor personnel, past and present, have been stripped right out of OPM computers.
The hacks went on for more than a year, perhaps on a routine everyday basis. Worst of all, an unknown (or, as yet, publicly undisclosed) number of those personnel files contained the security clearance information of employees and contractors of the US government. Those files included the MOST sensitive personal information provided on SF-86 forms (127 pages!) that each person seeking a security clearance must fill–out.
While all the defenders of the status quo were out trying to justify multi-billion dollar programs to collect bulk records and electronic, facial recognition and genetic signature data on any and all Americans, the most sensitive records of our most sensitive personnel were being swiped right under their noses. We can’t seem to find Hillary’s or Lois’ emails but state and non-state actors alike have been using federal government IT and corporate platforms as practice dummies!
The NSA/DNI spends something far north of $50-60 billion, more than all other countries combined, to track anybody and everybody they can. Meanwhile, their own backyard is hacked with impunity. When will anyone be fired, impeached or go to jail for this level of malfeasance and incompetence? When will Congress, the Presidency and the Judiciary be accountable to their oaths and their jobs? Only when WE the People make it happen.
The government is fast moving to near total dysfunction. Their incompetence and intentional behavior threaten our national security right along with the rights and liberties of Americans. The federal government is fast losing its shallow remaining legitimacy to govern anything. Congress remains at 6-8% approval, the President barely holding 40% and the judiciary fast sinking below 50%.
Yet, they’ve managed to convince 60+% of Boobus Americanus that there’s not a thing wrong with a dynastic Bush/Clinton 2016 election and continuing the status quo! Maybe one is a direct reflection of the other? For the Remnant that may not fall into the Boobus Americanus category, the point is fast approaching where they’ll need to decide for their own protection what, if anything, they stand for.
If they don’t stand for anything then they’d better prepare how they’re going to sit out the duration of the coming revolution in thought, political philosophy, accountability and, yes, actual liberty.
Can We Survive Any Level of Government? – Part 1 – Jeff L. Wright
The post Can We Survive Any Level of Government? – Part 2 – Jeff L. Wright appeared first on The Voice of Idaho.