Channel: Corruption in Idaho – The Voice of Idaho
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Idaho’s Troy vs New York’s Trump – Ken De Vries


Watching Donald Trump’s performance in the early stages of the presidential primary is not only entertaining but also enlightening.  It’s my personal opinion that Donald Trump leads the polls not necessarily because he is a true leader, but because people are sick to death of the spineless poltroons that run the Republican Party.

Trump’s success in the polls has Establishment Republican jellyfish in full retreat and the media in full cardiac arrest.  He says what he means and refuses to apologize for it.  Love him or hate him, Trump’s unrehearsed, politically incorrect style resonates with a vast majority of voters that want action on the issues he raises, not more political double talk.

Every issue Donald Trump raises is a hot topic with conservatives and most are grateful that someone is boldly addressing them.  The Donald Trump Campaign is a direct result of the inept leadership of the Republican Party. Trump is actually doing the Republicans a tremendous favor. The GOP leadership should thank Trump, not condemn him.

There is an important lesson to be learned from Donald Trump that Republicans everywhere should understand:  Speak the truth without apology and above all, stand for something.  Gutless Republican leadership is a problem with which rank and file Republicans and Americans in general are rapidly losing patience.

But how do we apply this lesson to Idaho politics?  Let’s look at some easily verifiable facts.

A quick glance at a few key votes cast by our three state representatives indicates that not much difference exists between Republican Caroline Troy and ultra liberal Democrats Dan Schmidt and Paulette Jordan.  All three voted to raise your taxes and fees by almost $100 million (H312).  All three voted to subject Idahoans to UN mandates and continued dependency on the federal government (H1).  All opposed the clear language of the 2nd Amendment by voicing opposition to Constitutional (permitless) Carry of a concealed firearm (H89).  All three expanded the size and scope of government by supporting crony-capitalist, lobbyist-sponsored bills that expanded licensing and fees within various sections of the economy (i.e. H181, S1080, H152).  In fact, out of the 144 bills I surveyed, Caroline Troy voted with liberals Jordan and Schmidt 82% of the time (www.idahofreedomindex.com.)

The Idaho Republican party has an excellent platform.  Yet, the Party refuses to censure and repudiate Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) that do not uphold either their oath of office or the Republican Party Platform.   Defending liberals just because they are Republicans must end if the Republican Party is to regain credibility with conservative voters.  That means endorsing only those Republicans who remain true to the Idaho Republican Party Platform and the ideals of individual liberty, self determination and free markets.  It also means withholding support from those who don’t.

Caroline Troy campaigned in Benewah County as a conservative, yet her legislative record is more consistent with that of a liberal Democrat.  Benewah County Republicans should dump Trojan Horse Troy in 2016.

Ken De Vries

St. Maries

The post Idaho’s Troy vs New York’s Trump – Ken De Vries appeared first on The Voice of Idaho.

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