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Welcome to the United Nations of Idaho Education – Karen Schumacher






Sustainability.  What is sustainability?  According to Dictionary.com it is a noun with two definitions:1. The ability to be sustained, supported, upheld, or confirmed.
2. Environmental Science. the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting long-term ecological balance:Sustainability concepts have been integrated into Idaho university and college programs, and campus living.  Below are just a few, University of Idaho (UI), Boise State University (BSU), Idaho State University (ISU), and College of Southern Idaho (CSI).Starting with UI, they offer an online course on the Principles of Sustainability,  through a sustainable Idaho grant.  Subjects of sustainability include the history, standards, waste, environment, industrial, energy, water, and even measuring sustainability.  In their 2011-2015 Strategic Plan Goal 4, Objective C, is to “Be a community committed to productivity, sustainability, and innovation.”  And last of all, to encourage participation by all students they have a Sustainability Center where students are encouraged to reorganize “our life support systems; climate, energy, biodiversity, food, consumerism and consumption, waste, transportation and built environment” and “that reduce our environmental footprint and increase participation and collaboration…in addressing sustainability-related issues.”  In 2013 grants were used to encourage “students to limit vehicle transportation and invest in biking, walking and other sustainable forms of transportation.”   Hmm, reminiscent of United Nations of Idaho cities.

BSU also has a campus sustainability program with a nice short video that summarizes it.  At the bottom of the page you can find the different programs that embed sustainability concepts.  If you read the United Nations of Idaho Cities take note of their community and regional planning program.

In this draft document ISU defines sustainability as “…development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  They also have two specific
programs devoted to sustainability, sustainable agriculture, and sustainable energy.

In their strategic plan 2012-2016 CSI promotes environmental sustainability on page 10 and even  a strategic initiative for global citizenship on page 9.  And there is that vision word again on page 3.

Now you are probably sitting there thinking, what is wrong with this?  What is wrong with teaching students to take care of their world and how to live more sustainably?  For young adults with such impressionable minds, it does make a difference.  A major difference.

The United Nations (UN) has invested much effort, time, and malfeasance getting their global education agenda, otherwise known as indoctrination, into our education system using their buddy foundations and business partners to force it on to us.  Idaho is no exception to this malfeasance.

In 2012 the UN created the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative which outlines their commitment to have higher education teach sustainability concepts and create green campuses.  Under “Where the commitment will be implemented”, the United States of America is listed.  Let’s see, going back to just BSU and ISU those concepts are being taught, and BSU announced its intention to go “green”.  The PDF file at the bottom of that link is the document used for that commitment.

Now it just so happens, the United States Department of Education (USDE) partnered with the UN and agreed to include sustainable development in education.  At one time, there was a website that showed this partnership and agreement but the USDE has since removed it.  Instead, they changed the website to the US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development.  Under “Collaborators” the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and Regional Office for North America (RONA) are listed along with several other UN certified non-governmental organizations (NGO).

But, in this draft speech to be delivered on November 10, 2014, the cat slipped out of the bag.  In that speech for the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO), Maureen McLaughlin, Senior Advisor to the Secretary and Director of International Affairs, USDE, she states, “…I am pleased to represent the United States and highlight our achievements and future strategies to advance education for sustainable development(ESD).”  On page 5 she outlines federal government agencies that promote ESD.  The now defunct website link showing the UNESCO partnership with the US is on page 6.  She proudly announces on page 3, “The U.S. government supports the NGO commitments made under UNESCO’s Global Action Program (GAP)…”.  The USDE further explains the importance of UNESCO here and have set up an agency, United States Mission to UNESCO, where you can read more.

The UN has several other initiatives to push a global education.  Global Education First (GEF) partners with the Global Business Coalition for Education (GBCE), of which Hewlett Packard (HP) is a member.  One GEF priority is global citizenship, which HP promotes also.  Education for All (EFI) has six goals.

There are some educational “themes” the UN promotes including some that are eerily similar to Common Core such as life-long learning, skills for life, and already covered ESD.  UNESCO has a “Roadmap for Implementing the Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development“.  Page 5 outlines the integration of sustainable development through education systems.  If you want a more in-depth picture this UN document, from The Future We Want, will fill you in.

According to the UN, “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  Interesting how that matches the draft ISU document.  Chapter 14 in Agenda 21, starting on page 125, 14.1-14.24 covers their notion of sustainable agriculture, and Chapter 2, page 4 outlines the invasive methods the UN recommends on promoting sustainable development.

As an extra measure to indoctrinate, one of the largest textbook publishers, Pearson, is a UN business partner having books on sustainability just for higher education.  Pearson is also a member of the UN Global Compact.  As a UN business partner, they are expected to commit to promoting UN ideology.

Bottom line, the UN has a global agenda to reform education, what is taught, and the federal government is implementing it in Idaho schools.  Sustainability, also known as sustainable development, is just one grain of sand in the beach of UN ideology being taught to our young.  Page 320 in Agenda 21, Chapter 36.2(a) outlines the reorientation of education towards sustainable development.   Common Core is the K-12 version of what is happening in higher education, UN ideology on steroids.

Remember the terms sustainable or sustainable development.  They represent the UN and are the umbrella language of their agenda.

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.    Vladimir Lenin

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.   Adolf Hitler

Welcome to the United Nations of Idaho Education.

The post Welcome to the United Nations of Idaho Education – Karen Schumacher appeared first on The Voice of Idaho.

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