Boise, Idaho (TVOI News) Right now there is concern that the United States southern borders are not being protected and that no effort is being made to stop the influx of illegal immigrants from countries such as Mexico, Guatemala and Central America. The United Nations (UN) at its finest. No one should anticipate that this problem will ever be solved as it is the UN’s goal to erase borders of countries, create regional sections within each country, and have the UN as the governing body of the world. They want global citizenry and this means that we are all the same, there should be no distinction between our countries or cultures, ours will be a world culture. Redistribution of wealth will promote wealth equity and reduce poverty, there will be social justice as everyone will be afforded equality, and through education our children will be taught to believe it. What better solution than to move illegals into America and mix all the cultures up, regardless of where they are from? Taking the supposed legal route there are efforts underway to extend EB5 visas so the foreigners we train can stay and eventually gain citizenship. What loyalty do any of these people have to America? None. They don’t have to learn English or American history, our culture, the strength that has made us great, nothing. Just let them start their businesses, give them their education, and then let them take our jobs.
First, one needs to understand the difference between immigration and migration. Immigration is the movement of a person to live in another country. Migration is the movement of a person temporarily to another country in order to find work. The UN uses the term migration. As they see it a person should be allowed to move freely between countries to work or do whatever they wish, then move on to another place. This will solve the problem of poverty. Let an illegal come into America, take an American job, and then take that money back to where they came from.
The UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) post 2015 agenda includes mass international migration. According to their site, “After 2015, efforts to achieve a world of prosperity, equity, freedom, dignity and peace will continue unabated.” The current administration is a strong supporter of the UN and when the UN calls for an expansion of its agenda this administration is not far behind.
The United Nations Media Global News outlines the importance of international migration as part of achieving MDGs. To quote the UN,
“Calling migration the UN’s “most ambitious task,” UNGA President John Ashe called on the international community’s collective responsibility to enhance migration as positive to development, as well as to protect the rights of migrants”.
“Well-managed migration reduces poverty and contributes to development. Migration must receive its place in the post-2015 development agenda.” said Ashe. “Change is never simple.”
“Achieving universal goals for primary school enrollment, for example, might lead to national targets aimed explicitly at expanding access for migrant children, regardless of immigration status,” added Clark.
“We all know that migration is the fastest, most efficient way to help people escape poverty.
“We know that migration – in the broader sense, human mobility – is the vastly under-used engine for international development and economic growth.”
If there is any doubt that this dumping of illegal individuals into the US is a surprise this WND article will show that it is a deliberate action on the part of Mexico, Central America, and the US. Here is a Migration Policy Institute video with a panel of individuals from Central America, Mexico, and the United States discussing the need for migration between the countries. Our hero from the Iraq war, David Petraeus is even in on the game, C-Span captured his thoughts about a North America and migration on this video. All of this is in the works as Congress puts on a show about immigration reform. It will never happen. Our borders will never be closed.
The Council on Foreign Relations also supports the idea that there needs to be an erasure of our sovereignty by supporting the creation of a North America.
The illegal immigration will not end, it is being legitimized, solutions to let it continue in a government serving purpose are being created. It is serving the UN purpose of creating a North America, the erasure of borders between the US, Mexico, Canada, and Central America. Workers from the more poverty stricken areas will be allowed to cross over to any country they wish and take jobs as long as they want, then return to their regional area of North America. Republicans want it for businesses, and Democrats want it for social justice. The UN wants it for global governance. Our own government is actively working to make it happen.
Editors note: This article was first posted 11.23.14 and now I see some of the links are now gone.
How very special.
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